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woensdag, februari 20, 2008

CNN op bezoek bij Steve McCurry, Raghu Rai en Frans Lanting

CNN-reporter Richard Quest gaat op zoek naar de perfecte foto. Hij ontmoet Patrick Demarchelier, Raghu Rai, Steve McCurry, Frans Lanting en Anne Geddes.

Quest for the perfect photo - Zaterdag 23 februari om 08.00 16.00 en 21.00, en zondag 24 februari om 08.00 en 21.00.

One brief window of opportunity when all the elements align themselves. The light, the look - it all comes together. And then -- the click. A fleeting magical moment come and gone, then lost forever. But preserved in one picture. This month Richard Quest goes in search of the perfect photo.

"Get me Demarchelier!" One of the orders barked by the infamous editor in "The Devil wears Prada." Patrick Demarchelier was indeed worth that special mention in the film. Richard visits this uber fashion and portrait photographer. In New York Demarchelier teaches Richard the techniques involved in composing the perfect picture.

The great Henri Cartier Bresson once said: "Photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event." Magnum Photos bequeathed us with a living record of our history. From the Normandy Landings to Tienanmen Square, Magnum's members have captured some of the most iconic images of the photographic age.

Richard finds out what it takes to join this elite brotherhood. In New York, he visits Steve McCurry, the man behind National Geographic's "Afghan Girl." Then it's off to Delhi to meet the legendary Raghu Rai.

Whatever you do don't photograph wildlife and babies! Richard is off to find out why getting that perfect shot can often be next to impossible. Try getting either to stand still! Quest learns from the masters in both of these --- the acclaimed baby photographer Anne Geddes and, in San Francisco, award-winning wildlife photographer Frans Lanting.

You just have to look at our news stands to see what a celebrity-obsessed culture we live in. Every few months a new gossip magazine emerges promising even better and more compromising pictures of celebrities at their best, at their worst, showing us what they're doing and what they definitely should not be doing.

We are the voyeurs, and we just can't get enough of them. The paparazzi have spawned this celebrity culture showing celebrities as anything but perfect. In London Darren Lyons, snapper turned celebrity himself, tells us how his business really works.

But while we all love to curl up with a good gossip magazine, most of these photos will never be remembered. But there are photos that will endure, like those taken at our weddings. The wedding photographer is one of the honest jobs in the business. We visit a wedding in L.A. and capture a couple's special moments.

Finally, Quest is back with Frans Lanting in San Francisco. And this time he is the one taking the photographs. They go to the Ano Nuevo state reserve to photograph a colony of elephant seals. Richard shows us his metal as he snaps away. But then it's back to the studio to see if his photographs will indeed seal the deal.

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